Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Episode 38: Frost Fight!

In this Christmas-themed special, Captain America and the Avengers battle Loki and Ymir, who plot to steal Santa Claus' powers and conquer the world.


Boys and girls, it's time for another children's movie. Our favorite Marvel characters and Thor team up to stop Loki and Ymir from stealing Jolnir's powers. Unfortunately, Loki is a little rusty on his Norse mythology. His supposed teammate, Ymir, was killed by his father Odin who fashioned the Earth from his body so whoever this ice guy is is some sort of imposter. A forgiveable mistake but then Loki seems to have forgotten that Jolnir is actually the Old Norse name of Odin so this whole plot to steal his dad's Santa powers is of course going to fall flat on its face with or without the avengers! Also, we talk about Warcraft, the new video game turned movie about how a bunch of bad-ass orcs almost kill thousands of weakly casted humans. Next week, we'll be watching Killer Mermaid, a Serbian movie that appears to have an alternate title, Nymph, so I'm sure it's going to be really good.

Gordon: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Geoff: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

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